Health Services
Students must be HEALTHY to be educated and EDUCATED to be healthy.
The Grand Valley Local Schools are committed to the safety and health of our students, staff and community.
Immunization Requirements
Click here for Kindergarten Immunization Requirements
7th Grade Immunization Requirements
-One (1) dose of Tdap vaccine must be administered on or after the 10th birthday.
-One (1) dose of meningococcal (serogroup A, C, W, and Y) vaccine must be administered prior to 7th grade entry.
12th Grade Immunization Requirements
-Two (2) doses of meningococcal (serogroup A, C, W, and Y) vaccine must be administered prior to 12 grade entry.

Common Childhood Illnesses
Click here for the Ohio Department of Health Communicable Disease Chart

GV Medication Policy and Forms
Click here for GV Board of Education Medication Policy
Authorization for Nonprescription Medication or Treatment
Elementary Version, MS/HS Version
Authorization for Prescribed Medication or Treatment (Required Doctor signature)
Authorization for the Possession and use of Asthma Inhalers/Other Emergency Medication(s) (Required Doctor signature)
Authorization for the Possession and use of Epinephrine Autoinjector (EPI-PEN) (Required Doctor signature)
Action Plans
Allergy Action Plan
Seizure Action Plan
Diabetes Action Plan
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
"Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a developmental framework, the process through which individuals develop the skills to recognize and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, appreciate the perspectives of others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.3,4,5"

SEL Discussion Series for Parents and Caregivers
supporting parents and caregivers through social and emotional learning
Click here for CASEL Caregiver Guide

Nurse Esquivel BSN, RN, LSN
District Nurse
Phone: 440-805-4538
Fax: 440-437-2050

Mrs. Newell MA
MS/HS Clinic
Phone: 440-805-4537